The mission of the Cochecton Preservation Society, Inc. as stated in our Certificate of Incorporation:
To preserve the heritage of the Town of Cochecton and its
environs; to promote, foster and encourage interest in the civic affairs
of the community of Cochecton; to manage and maintain public parks,
and community and cultural centers; to collect, preserve and maintain
records, literature and other items of community significance; to
organize, hold and conduct cultural and artistic displays and
exhibitions; to produce, distribute and otherwise disseminate
information concerning cultural events and activities of interest to the
general public; to endeavor to expand and enrich the heritage of the
residents of Cochecton; to provide a forum for the free exchange of
historic, cultural and artistic information; to hold, conduct and
organize meetings, discussions and forums on the heritage of the Town
of Cochecton; to solicit, collect and otherwise raise money for
charitable, cultural, civic, and benevolent purposes and to expend such
monies for such purposes; to engage in charitable fund raising events
and activities; to disseminate information concerning the social,
economic, political and cultural heritage of the Town of Cochecton and
generally to stimulate and promote public knowledge of and interest in
local and national heritiage. However, nothing herein shall authorize the
corporation to operate a library, museum or historical society or to
maintain an historic site.